person Ofri.Shalev
insert_invitation 16 de maio de 2023
Frases em figurinhas:
Me when.. when... your.. mom.. you're... placcoon village mom.. your nother
Violence isn't always the only option Village but today it is
Be @rac gay Commit arson
When life gives you lemons @raccoon village squeeze them into the eyes of your enemies
I hope you have a @Raccoon village reasonable day
Urmom rail to raccoon. village
L diagnose @raccoon with you th Stripick
Sorry for being. annoying It @Raccoon absolutely will happen again
Yeah I'm a car person C committing- A-arson Rregularly Craccoon village
Cancer is a @raccooh village bitch But you're THAT BITCH you got this!
20 Either 12 |=|2|0|-| or the weight goes up B RBELL my soul does
I'm gonna have a @raccoon Evilage mental bakedown
I am your BOSS villa god now
God may spare you I however, will not
raccoony village 645 I dont need therapy I need to commit vehicular manslaughter
I know where you sleep
38 I may have made a bad @raccoon. village situation worse
No amount of trash @Raccoon Village Can replace Samantha
That was a @raccoon._.village Spore choice of words pal
The secret ingredient is CRIME
Breakdown? village belo Only Nah. Breakdance
Everything I love to do is @Raccoon. .villac Illegal
My pronouns are they/them peraccoon and I'm here to cause may/hem NCERT
You can't Gaslight me I already know I'm @raccoon village craz
do you are have stupid? village
Mom come pick me up Please I'm Scared
Dear lord, @raccoon._.village Why'd you make me such a bitch
I may be cringe @raccoon village but I am tree
In my assault with a deadly weapon 12 @raccoon. era
Trauma? Oh, you mean the reason I'm hilarious
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