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Doraemon: Moving Quotes
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Nhãn dán
Thông tin
person Fujiko-Pro
insert_invitation 15-08-2024

Các cụm từ trên nhãn dán:
I can't say no to a favor.
G'night, everyone!
That's too optimistic.
'd give anything for a good sleep na nice warm bec
Fine! Fine! I don't care!
nag nag nag
I'm gonna make- you happy!
We're soulmates!
Sorry.It's 3 players only.
I'm borrowing this. Forever:
You must be joking!
Suit yourself!
Think seriously!
This'll teach you to save your money!
I'm not your, slave, Mom!
Did you lose weight?
It's no use trying to talk
Yes, there is!
Making mistakes is okay! I'll watch over his shoulder!
Don't start- thinking you're: worthless.
I'm just fine without him!
Taking it easy!
Just unbelievable.
This reeks of crime!

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